When to Call in a Drug Intervention Specialist for a Loved One Battling Cocaine Addiction

Addiction, by its very nature, disables the addict’s ability to see its effects in his or her life. After a certain point, no amount of reasoning or understanding will convince an addict to get needed treatment help. With cocaine addiction, this reality becomes even more so apparent over time. Drug interventions provide addicts with an opportunity to get a glimpse of the effects of their behavior has on others as well as the effects of the drug in their lives.

While drug interventions can be effective, certain situations may warrant the use of a drug intervention specialist. In cases where a loved one battles cocaine addiction, the effects of the drug on his or her behavior may well require the help of a drug intervention specialist.

The Purpose of a Drug Intervention

A drug intervention entails the gathering together of people in the addict’s life for the purpose of confronting him or her about an addiction problem. Participants may include family members, friends, coworkers, clergy and anyone else who’s an important part of the addict’s life.

According to the University of North Texas, a drug intervention works to accomplish three objectives:

  • Lays out specific examples of how the addict’s behaviors have affected the lives of others
  • Provides the addict with a pre-planned course of action for getting needed treatment help
  • Presents the addict with consequences should he or she refuse to enter treatment

Cocaine Addiction Effects

intervention for cocaine addiction

An intervention specialist should be present before conducting an intervention for someone with a cocaine addiction.

As one of the most powerful addictive substances in existence, cocaine addiction all but warps a person’s psychological make-up causing considerable damage to brain cells and brain functions. As a result, people with a history of cocaine addiction may exhibit some of the more severe effects of the drug.

According to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, people struggling with severe cocaine addictions may display one or more of the following behavioral effects:

  • Delirium
  • Paranoia
  • Psychotic-like symptoms
  • Violent behaviors
  • Suicidal ideations
  • Homicidal impulses
  • Hallucinations
  • Suspiciousness
  • Confused thinking

Under these conditions, things can quickly spin out of control when trying to conduct an intervention without professional help.

The Role of the Drug Intervention Specialist

A drug intervention specialist’s role entails organizing the type of meeting that ensures the best possible outcome. He or she makes this determination based on the severity of your loved one’s condition and from there works to guide the group as to the best way to conduct the meeting.

According to the University of North Texas, certain situations warrant the use of a drug intervention specialist, including:

  • Addicted loved ones who have a history of severe mental illness
  • A loved one who exhibits violent behaviors on a frequent basis or has the potential to become violent during the intervention
  • A loved who abuses several different types of drugs
  • A loved one who’s has the potential to become suicidal or homicidal


The especially damaging effects of cocaine on a person’s personality can make for a dangerous situation when he or she is subjected to a drug intervention meeting. For these reasons, it’s important to call in professional help if there’s any chance of things becoming volatile during a drug intervention.

If you or someone you know is considering conducting an intervention for a loved one struggling with cocaine addiction, please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) for information on how to find a drug intervention specialist in your area.