Telltale Signs of Amphetamine Addiction

Doctors prescribe amphetamines for treatment of certain disorders, such as ADD/ADHD or narcolepsy, and the drug can be helpful for some patients. However, some users abuse the drug –which may lead to tolerance and dependence for it. Others may use the drug for non-medicinal reasons, which is illegal. Those that develop amphetamine addiction usually need to seek treatment. An addiction can lead to psychosis if it goes untreated.

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Amphetamines are Schedule II stimulants, which means that they have a high potential for abuse and limited medical uses. Pharmaceutical products are available only through a prescription that cannot be refilled.

What are Some Telltale Signs of Amphetamine Addiction?

If you or a loved one are using amphetamines and suspect an addiction – but are not certain – there are some telltale signs that you should become aware of that can alert you of a potential addiction to amphetamines, these may include:

  • Have a hard time falling asleep and may stay awake for hours
  • Feel worried and nervous often
  • Weight loss due to poor appetite
  • Seem hyperactive and restless
  • Displaying mood swings, such as hostility and aggression
  • Getting in trouble due to use of amphetamine
  • Stealing money to buy amphetamines
  • Lack of interest in activities that once were enjoyed
  • Seem to be depressed at times
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Headaches
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Talking excessively and fast
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Crave the drug when not available
  • No longer caring of the responsibilities of school or work

Not everyone will display the signs of amphetamine addiction listed above, there may be other signs that are not listed here. Depending on the individual and how severe the addiction to amphetamine has become, not all will react the same way. Some may require immediate medical assistance due to the potential of an overdose, others may need an intervention and treatment to gradually stop using amphetamines. Regardless, an addiction to amphetamines can be dangerous and possibly fatal.

How Else Does Addiction to Amphetamines Affect Your Life?

Signs of Amphetamine Addiction

An addiction to amphetamine can make people steal in order to get the drugs.

Tolerance and dependence can easily be developed when using amphetamines, which can lead to a psychological addiction. Not only can it pose overall health risks, but it can affect other aspects of your life, which can include:

  • Like other addictive substances, when a person becomes addicted, they may act and do things out of the normal, including stealing just to be able to buy the drug. These actions can lead to trouble with the law, and getting arrested.
  • Acting aggressive or hostile towards others, especially those that are close to you, can lead to broken relationships, and loss of respect from others.
  • Buying amphetamines illegally can lead to financial problems. It can ruin your savings, and possibly end up with debt.
  • It can lead to job loss or being expelled from school

The longer you or a loved one continue using amphetamines, the harder it becomes to overcome the addiction. Stopping abruptly can also cause withdrawal symptoms that produce negative results, such as extreme depression, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts.

Getting Treatment for Amphetamine Addiction

The best way to stop amphetamine use and avoid complications is to seek professional treatment. By contacting an addiction specialist, you or a loved one can receive the proper treatment necessary to safely quit.