Do I Need Treatment for Adderall Addiction?

Addiction comes with its own sets of beliefs, behaviors and routines. In spite of its being a prescription medication, Adderall addictions are no different. As with any psychostimulant drug, Adderall intercepts primary brain neurotransmitter processes and takes over normal brain functions over time.

Someone in the throes of Adderall addiction has lost the ability to reason and make good judgment, which makes it all the more difficult to even consider getting treatment for Adderall addiction. Withdrawal effects, rising tolerance levels and overwhelming drug cravings all work together to support the addiction cycle.

For many addicts, treatment for Adderall addiction provides the only way of breaking free from the drug’s hold on their lives. By getting the necessary treatment for Adderall addiction, a person can develop the coping skills and presence of mind needed to maintain abstinence for a lifetime.

Adderall Withdrawal

According to Dartmouth College, anywhere from 250,000 to 350,000 people suffer from an amphetamine addiction within the United States. The abuse of Adderall, a prescription amphetamine drug, falls within this grouping.

adderall abuse consequences and help

Addiction treatment can help you overcome your Adderall problem.

Adderall addictions develop in stages where symptoms of physical and psychological distress become more and more apparent. Adderall withdrawal takes shape in response to the drug’s damaging effects on brain function.

Withdrawal effects experienced may include:

  • Shaking or tremors
  • Anxiety episodes
  • Depression
  • Angry outbursts
  • Problems sleeping

Brain cells grow weaker as Adderall depletes vital neurotransmitter chemicals. Over time, this process compromises the brain’s ability to regulate bodily processes. People who experience withdrawal effects on a frequent basis may want to consider getting treatment for Adderall addiction.

Increasing Dosage Amounts

With Adderall effects essentially regulating brain functions, weakening brain structures naturally become more and more dependent on the drug. Weakened brain structures also require increasingly larger doses of Adderall to keep carrying out normal brain functions.

This process of deterioration continues for as long as a person keeps using. From a big picture perspective, brain and body functions essentially age at a rapid pace for as long as these damaging effects continue.

In effect, getting needed treatment for Adderall addiction can prevent an early aging process where chronic medical conditions and psychological disorders eventually destroy a person’s health and quality of life.

Addiction Behaviors & Routines

Once addiction becomes an issue, the body’s growing physical dependence on Adderall is only half the problem. At this point users come to believe they need the drug in order to deal with everyday living.

This belief “system” surrounding Adderall drives users to structure their lifestyles around maintaining needed Adderall supplies and getting “high.” Getting treatment for Adderall addiction enables a person to take back his or her life from the effects of addiction.

Overwhelming Drug Cravings

Withdrawal effects, increasing tolerance levels and the addiction mindset all work together to drive the overwhelming cravings Adderall addicts experience. The longer a person uses the drug the more persistent drug cravings become. This means, someone who’s used for a long time will likely experience cravings on continuous basis.

Considering Adderall’s complex network of effects on the mind and body, getting needed treatment for Adderall addiction can quickly become the only viable option a person has left.