Psychological Effects of Amphetamines

The psychological effects of amphetamines can be very painful and hard for many people to deal with. When a person is dependent on the drug, they will start to feel that they can’t function  normally without it. Amphetamines will change the person’s body and brain chemistry.  Amphetamines are a feel good drug but when it is abused and overtaken, it can cause some serious psychological effects.

People with the highest risk of dependency and psychological effects are people with mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and antisocial disorder. They already have a chemical imbalance in their brain, so adding the this substance can begin to cause more problems for them.

Anxiety / Paranoia

Anxiety and paranoia are both very common psychological effects of amphetamines. Anxiety and paranoia symptoms come from the increased amount of hormones that have entered into the person’s body. When the hormones reach the central nervous system, they can cause the person to become very anxious or nervous about people and different activities around them. It is common for people with amphetamine problems to become isolated.

Social Disorder

Amphetamines Effects

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After the anxiety and paranoia starts, it is common for the person to develop a social disorder. Many people will want to be alone or in smaller groups of people when they are going through withdrawal. If the person already has a social anxiety problem, this drug can cause a more severe level of social disorder.

Obsessive Behavior

Another one of the psychological effects of amphetamines is obsessive behavior. What they become obsessive over will vary on their situation. Many people start to become obsessive over their personal belongings since that may also have anxiety and paranoid disorders, as well. It is also common for people that are dependent on amphetamines to have rapid mood changes. The mood changes can also trigger obsessive behaviors.

Aggression / Violent Behavior

Aggression and violent behavior are other common psychological effects of amphetamines. When the person’s body is dependent on the drug, it will need it to function. When the body starts to withdrawal off of the drug, aggression and violent behavior can start to kick in. When withdrawal kicks in and starts to take a toll, it can become very painful thus making the person aggressive and upset very easily.

Other Behavioral Changes

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the psychological effects of amphetamines can bring on a variety of other behavioral changes. It is common for many people lose their sex drive, have feelings of disorientation and start to have difficulties learning new material. Even though amphetamines are known to be a “upper” drug, they can cause learning difficulties due to large amounts of the chemical entering into the brain.

People who have taken amphetamines for a long period of time may experience feelings of over excitement and then it can turn into nervousness. They may start to experiment with the drug and start to take it at different times of the day to see what the effects will be. It is important to look for dramatic or suspicious behavior that is not normal for their personality. Some people may start to lose friends, miss work and engage in risky behavior.


There is options for a person that is ready to admit to their problem and start the road to recovery. For more information about treatment and steps that are involved, visit