Unexpected Triggers that Lead to Amphetamine Abuse

Amphetamines are known for their enhancing qualities. In recent years more and more people are taking them for concentration, help studying, and a variety of other reasons. Unfortunately, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, they are one of the most addictive of the drugs available today. Although many people find their way off amphetamines, they do have an unusually high relapse rate because of certain triggers.

What is a Trigger?

A trigger is something that causes you to use drugs. It can be:

  • a place that you go to use drugs
  • a place that you go to get drugs
  • a person you use drugs with
  • a person that you get your drugs from
  • stress
  • emotional imbalance or upset
  • a variety of other things

A trigger can be mental or physical. They are sometimes specific to you and no one trigger works for everyone.

Unfortunately, experiencing a trigger before you are ready to deal with it is usually detrimental to recovery. Some people in treatment for amphetamines run across triggers that they didn’t expect.

Triggers that Lead to Amphetamine Abuse

Unexpected Triggers

Pressure to perform well at work can trigger amphetamine abuse.

There are a number of triggers that lead to amphetamine abuse, some of these triggers you would not normally expect. Amphetamines are taken to compensate for a variety of other things. Since the recent use of amphetamines to treat concentration disorders, the amphetamine triggers have changed. A few unexpected triggers have turned up.


When placed under the stress of competition, most people simply compete. An unfortunate side effect of the amphetamine revolution is that some people believe that it makes you better at competing. It improves your concentration and focus for a brief period. This causes competition to be a trigger.

Performance anxiety

Since amphetamines inspire a false confidence, some people believe that it relieves performance anxiety. When a person is under pressure to perform, it increases stress. Stress is a well known trigger. Performance anxiety is just another form of stress. Many people do not deal with stress well and some turn to amphetamines to help them deal with the stress of performance anxiety. Then when they begin to feel it again, their craving for amphetamines is triggered.


Since amphetamines are said to inspire confidence and greater performance. Overachievers often find themselves addicted to amphetamines. The presence of amphetamines when an overachiever needs a little pick me up is often a trigger.

Pressures at work

Like the other unexpected amphetamine triggers, pressures at work are often a trigger for amphetamine use because it is known to enhance performance. Unfortunately this means those addicted to amphetamines, start to crave them when they feel pressured at work.

Where to Find Treatment

If you have run across a trigger and you cannot stop yourself from using amphetamines, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. For help finding treatment, call us at 800-816-1059(Who Answers?). We can help you find inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment, which ever works best for you.