A large part of amphetamine addiction and subsequent treatment concerns relapses. The NIDA defines addiction as a chronic disease, meaning that it is highly prone to relapses, sometimes years after completing treatment. It can be difficult to focus on staying sober when a craving hits, so knowing how to keep your mind off of cravings can greatly help prevent a relapse.
Have A Positive Support Network
A key to continual amphetamine addiction recovery is having a strong and positive support system that you can depend on. It can include family, friends, fellow recovering addicts, sponsors, and any medical professionals that have been involved in your treatment.
They are the ones that are there for you when you need it most and can be available when you need them. If you feel a craving, give one of them a call or meet up and talk it out. Sometimes, the easiest thing you can do to get through a craving is to talk about something else with a person.
Take Care of Yourself

Talking with friends or hiking in the woods can be a great distraction to help take your mind off cravings.
Focusing on your personal upkeep and creating a schedule can help keep you away from temptations and make it easier to focus when a craving hits. Personal, social, and emotional care can be one of the best ways to prevent cravings from happening.
Establishing a schedule and a healthy routine will not give you the time to give into a craving and can keep you away from anything that triggers cravings for you. It can also allow you to find something to distract yourself from giving into an urge when one happens.
Be Patient
On average, cravings do not last for long lengths of time. Sometimes waiting it out and focusing elsewhere can be the best way to avoid relapse. If you do give in to your craving or come close to doing so, you need to understand that it doesn’t mean that you’ve failed.
As a chronic condition, the NIDA says, addiction is an ongoing battle that has an established nature of relapse. It is often best approached one day at a time. If you keep yourself constantly focused on staying clean for forever it can become overwhelming.
Know The Warning Signs
One of the more frustrating aspects of addiction and its releasable nature is that it can be subtle. Recognizing a craving and what triggers them can make sure that you are prepared for when one strikes. According to the DEA, everyone is affected by drugs differently and that can extend into the recovery process and signs of relapse.
You’re not going to have the same cravings as another addict, so it’s best to be familiar with what happens when you get an urge to use. You cannot prevent against or combat something if you do not know what it looks like.
If you or a loved one has an addiction to amphetamines, please know that help is available. Get help today at 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) and learn about the available addiction treatment options near you.