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Consequences of Amphetamine Abuse

Amphetamine abuse has consequences, just like any other drug and can affect someone’s health, work, family, and financial responsibilities. Consider these consequences of amphetamine abuse.

Social Consequences

Longterm amphetamine abuse can be especially devastating to a person’s life. Even common or small problems can become obstacles, and people abusing amphetamines can often act with hostility due to the effect that the drug has on their brains. According to the ADF, amphetamine abuse can have these effects on a person’s social life and responsibilities:

Amphetamines have a large effect on behavior, and a person who abuses them will grow increasingly more hostile, paranoid, and have a stronger tendency toward violent behavior. This leads to consequences in all areas of social involvement. One of the most dangerous possibilities but also one of the most likely is when the person abusing amphetamines becomes addicted to the drug. This will mean that he or she cannot stop abusing it, even when the consequences become very severe.

Health Consequences

Abusing amphetamines can cause night terrors, anxiety and other side effects.

Amphetamine abuse causes many consequences that affect a person’s health. Because abuse of the drug can be so dangerous and so addictive, these often occur before the person can be treated. Some of the health consequences caused by amphetamine abuse are:

The NHTSA states that amphetamine abuse can also lead to overdose which may cause extreme health consequences such as:

Individuals who abuse amphetamines also have an increased risk of contracting STDs, hepatitis, and HIV (NHTSA). Psychosis often occurs in long-term users as well which can begin to resemble schizophrenia. A person puts their health in real danger when abusing amphetamines, especially for a long period of time.

Other Consequences

Some of the other consequences that occur from amphetamine abuse are:

If you or someone you love has begun to abuse amphetamines, seek treatment for addiction. Many people do not believe that they have a problem and will continue abusing amphetamines until many of these consequences have occurred. It is difficult (and sometimes impossible) to rebuild a shattered relationship or reverse severe health effects after the fact, and many actions come of amphetamine abuse that you cannot take back.

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