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What is Speed Addiction?

The term speed is a common street named used for methaphetamines. Methaphetamines are a stimulant drug similar to amphetamines, but much more dangerous. Used recreationally for a heightened sense of wakefulness and energy, it is often abused. This is why it is commonly called speed. It can also make a user feel more excited, and oftentimes angry too. The more the drug is taken the higher the chances for developing speed addiction.

According to the National Institute on Drug Addiction, methaphetamines are often abused in a “binge and crash” pattern. Since the pleasurable effects of methaphetamines disappear quickly, users try to maintain the high by taking more of the drug. It is a very potent drug that can have harmful effects on the central nervous system.

What are the Signs of Speed Addiction?

If you or someone you care for has been using methaphetamines on a regular basis, then it is possible that an addiction has developed. Many users have experienced psychological and physical effects while on speed. Here are some known signs of speed addiction to be aware of:

Speed usually comes in a tablet or pill form.

Speed users can also experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when they stop using the drug. To avoid this, most continue taking the drug. In severe cases of speed addiction, psychosis can occur and high doses can lead an overdose that can cause a stroke, heart attack or death.

Other Long-term Effects of Speed Addiction

Additional negative effects that may develop from abuse of methaphetamines can include:

There are other indicators that can let you know if someone is abusing methaphetamines. Whether you or a loved one has developed a speed addiction, getting help must be considered. The sooner help is sought, the better the chances to prevent permanent damage from occurring. Abuse of methaphetamines can ruin a person’s life, and cause serious harm physically and psychologically.

Is There Treatment for Speed Addiction?

Yes. The first step to begin treatment of speed addiction is to go through a detoxification process. This must be done under the supervision of medical professionals to assure safety. The user must flush out the drug from their system, and then begin an addiction recovery program.

Other treatments that can be effective for addiction are behavioral therapies, such as cognitive behavioral treatment, and contingency-management intervention. An addiction specialist can also have information on effective outpatient or inpatient treatment programs for speed addiction.

Do not let the dangerous effects of methaphetamines bring any further harm to you or a loved one. If you are confused, and not sure what steps to take, or need to learn more about the various treatment options available, then contact an addiction specialist as soon as possible. They can help you find the proper treatment programs to help recover from speed addiction.

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