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6 Long-term Effects of Amphetamines Abuse and Addiction

If you or someone you care about is using amphetamine, then you should be aware of the long-term effects it poses on a person’s physical and mental health. Abuse and addiction of amphetamine can impact just about all aspects of someone’s life. The effects of amphetamines not only endanger a user’s health; their addiction can also cause distress to their families and friends.

Below are six known long-term effects that anyone who is using amphetamines should learn of to avoid serious consequences. These include risks that can harm your body and your brain, and affect your personal life.

6 Effects of Amphetamines that Affect a User’s Brain, Body and Overall Health

  1. Psychosis: The effects of amphetamines can cause neurological disorders that may result in permanent damage to the brain. It can produce paranoia, hallucinations, hypochondria, and delusions.
  2. Physical Symptoms: Addiction to amphetamines can cause a users body to experience a decrease in appetite, headaches, increased blood pressure, nausea, irregular heartbeat, and blurred vision.
  3. Mood Symptoms: Feelings of anxiety, irritability, and depression.
  4. Behavior Problems: Intense aggression, excessive talking, unrealistic feelings of power and control, and hostility.
  5. Heart Disease: Some of the effects of amphetamines on the heart include a dangerous increase in blood pressure that can induce a stroke or heart attack.
  6. Coma or Death: Serious abuse or addiction of amphetamines can lead a person to overdose and fall into a coma, and it may also cause death.

Amphetamine abuse can cause significant distress in a person’s life on the long-term.

Abuse and addiction of amphetamines have caused life-altering changes to many users. It affects your health, and can have a negative impact on the user’s personal life. If you want to make a change for the better in your life or someone you care about, then finding a solution to the addiction before it’s too late is important.

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, amphetamine abuse is a growing problem in the United States. Abuse of amphetamines can lead to addiction (which can affect your life in such ways like mentioned above), and even legally prescribed amphetamine-related drugs, like the ones used to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, can be abused. No type of amphetamine is safe from not becoming addictive.

How Do the Effects of Amphetamines Affect a User’s Personal Life?

Aside from developing health problems with long-term use of amphetamines, a person’s life can dramatically change an affect all those around him. The physical and psychological changes may cause worry and stress among family, and friends.

The negative behavior may also cause problems at work or school for the user. There is the possibility of job loss or no longer being admitted to the school attended. It can pose relationship issues with co-workers or classmates too.

How Can I Stop the Addiction to Amphetamines?

One of the most negative effects of amphetamines is the way it affects the brain. Since many users experience euphoria, they tend to feel a sense of self-confidence, and well-being. This “desirable effect” can provoke them to take more amphetamines, leading into an addiction problem, and much more.

While the main goal is to stop the addiction, a user should not try to do it alone, and with no medical supervision. An addict can experience withdrawal, which can cause painful symptoms. Not managed properly, you or the person you care about may end up starting to use amphetamines again in order to avoid the pain. The best way to conquer the abuse and addiction of amphetamines is to get professional help.

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