Cravings for amphetamines can be incredibly severe, but there are ways you can practice coping with them, even while in inpatient care. Call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) now to find safe, reliable facilities that offer 24-hour treatment in a controlled environment.
The Severity of Amphetamine Cravings
According to the US Department of Veteran Affairs, “Following binge use [of stimulants], individuals may initially experience a ‘crash’ period, which is characterized by symptoms of depression, anxiety, agitation, and intense drug craving.”
While the other symptoms associated with this syndrome begin to subside after the first week or two of withdrawal, cravings tend to linger. In fact, they can even resurface years after the individual’s last use of stimulants as a result of a triggering event or seeing a triggering person or object.
Amphetamines are no different from other stimulant drugs and can create some of the most severe and long-lasting cravings experienced by all substance abusers. Still, there are ways to fight this strong desire for the drug as you go through inpatient care in order to allow you to focus on your safe and speedy recovery.
Coping with Amphetamine Cravings in Inpatient Care

Writing about your feelings can help you fight cravings.
Amphetamine cravings are very similar to those associated with cocaine abuse, which is why “this topic is introduced very early in treatment” (National Institute on Drug Abuse).
Your counselor will be able to teach you different exercises that will help you cope with this issue, which you can then use as you go throughout your day. These can include:
- Distraction: thinking about or doing something else, especially participating in a physical activity, to distract yourself from your craving
- Talking: talking to your counselor, your friends, your someone else about your cravings in order to identify triggers and dispel thoughts of them
- Writing: similar results to talking but writing down your feelings and thoughts about your desire to abuse amphetamines is a form of self-talk
- Recalling the negative: every time you have a craving, consciously thinking about and remembering the negative consequences associated with your substance abuse
You will also want to be honest with your counselor about how often you experience these cravings and how severe they are among other things. This will help them learn what your patterns are and how best to help you when you are experiencing negative consequences.
In addition, you can also participate in a number of other activities to dispel cravings while in amphetamine addiction treatment:
- Practice breathing exercises to place your focus on your breath.
- Practice meditation and mindfulness. When you begin to experience a desire to use amphetamines, sit in a calm, comfortable spot, close your eyes, and let yourself experience the cravings without judgment before letting them eventually pass.
- Live healthily. Go to bed at a normal hour, eat nutritious meals, and exercise. You will likely be encouraged to do so by the medical staff at the facility, and this will also help to minimize the frequency of this problem.
Addiction Treatment Works
One of the benefits of attending inpatient care as your first treatment program is knowing that, even when you do experience cravings, you will not be able to relapse. Call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) now to find safe, controlled rehab centers where you can begin your recovery from amphetamine abuse today.