As stated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Individuals progress through drug addiction treatment at various rates, so there is no predetermined length of treatment.” However, there are lengths of treatment that are considered more effective than others. Still, the length of your amphetamine addiction treatment program depends largely on the program itself and your needs as a patient.
Standard Treatment Lengths
Generally, it has been decided that treatment lengths lasting less than 90 days are of “limited effectiveness” and are not considered to be helpful in creating relapse prevention for those in recovery.
Treatment lengths longer than 90 days are considered to be even more effective, but as long as a person attends a program for at least this long, it is usually considered to be helpful. Some programs last longer, though, and some do not, so it is important to talk to your doctor and the medical staff at your rehab facility before you ever begin your program.
Treatment Can Require Multiple Programs
It is also important to remember that one rehab program may not be enough for a specific individual to put an end to their amphetamine abuse for good, nor is it always enough to create the kind of strong, long-term recovery you desire. Therefore, treatment may require multiple programs. An individual may also want to focus on withdrawal first and then attend a program focused solely on addiction recovery.

A support group can help you stay on track after the initial addiction treatment ends.
Afterward, an aftercare program like a support group or a sober living facility may be beneficial depending on how severe the individual’s needs are and what will be best for their long-term care. It is important, though, to remember treatment may not mean merely one stint in rehab.
Long-term Withdrawal Symptoms
The withdrawal symptoms associated with amphetamines and other stimulants can be severe and also extremely long lasting. According to the US Department of Veteran Affairs, “During the late withdrawal phase, individuals may experience brief periods of intense drug craving, such that objects and people in the addicted person’s life can become a conditioned trigger for craving and relapse.”
This can cause an individual to require treatment long after they first end their abuse of amphetamines, so it is important to keep this possible occurrence in mind when planning out your treatment lengths.
Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Lengths
Your first rehab program may last somewhere from 90 days to a year depending on how severe your withdrawal symptoms are, whether or not you are suffering from other issues that require medical care (like stimulant-induced psychosis), and how intense your addiction is currently. Still, you will likely require further care after this initial program, and it is important to know this and to view your recovery through its progress.
Addiction can be difficult to fight and change, but with the right treatment, you can make a difference in your life and start living it the way you want to again. Call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) today to find a treatment program in your area or to learn more about amphetamine addiction recovery.