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10 Warning Signs of Amphetamine Addiction

Denial is a common symptom of addiction. You probably reassure yourself regularly that although you use amphetamines, you aren’t an addict. You can control your use, maintain a job, and have social relationships. But, many addicts can also do those things. Addiction has many more signals.

If you read the following signs and you recognize yourself and your amphetamine use patterns in them, it is time to get treatment. can help. Just call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) and get your questions answered today.

1. You have developed “tolerance”

When you begin taking amphetamines, a small amount can keep you going for hours and then you can choose to stop. Over time, however, the amount that your brain will need to keep sending signals of euphoria will increase because your brain will have become used to the amphetamines. This is called “tolerance”.

2. You experience withdrawal

You may find yourself feeling a bit off when you stop using amphetamines. This is because tolerance is often followed by withdrawal. Once your body becomes accustomed to the amphetamines, it will need them to continue feeling normal. You may find yourself feeling fatigued, hostile, paranoid, or anxious.

A 1998 study ranked the most common amphetamine withdrawal symptoms: irritability (felt by 78 percent of participants), aches and pains (felt by 58 percent of participants), depressed mood (felt by 50 percent of participants) and impaired social functioning (felt by 46 percent of participants).

3. You cannot control your amphetamine use

Experiencing withdrawal is a sign of amphetamine addiction.

You may have reached a point in your amphetamine use where you feel as if you are automatically using. It is a habit, and any recreational aspect has long since diminished. This is the sign of an addiction.

4. You find yourself preoccupied by thoughts of amphetamines

Do you find that your thoughts often turn to amphetamines? Are you thinking regularly of how to get more, when you can next take amphetamines, the euphoria of the high, or how bad you feel after using? Are you consumed with nervousness about withdrawal and avoiding it? If you spend a lot of time thinking about amphetamines, you have a problem.

5. You are unable to place limits on your amphetamine use

When you are addicted to amphetamines, you may not be able to limit your use. You may tell yourself that you will only take a certain amount and then blow past that. You will find yourself using more than you intended and using more often.

6. You cannot maintain normal, daily tasks and responsibilities

Amphetamine addiction often leaves users without the ability to maintain their work, their homes, and themselves. Possibly, personal hygiene will fall by the wayside. Maybe you stop cooking for yourself and eating regularly. Some people miss a lot of work and flake on social engagements.

7. You hide the drug use or the effect it is having on you from others

Amphetamine addicts become secretive because they don’t want outside judgement to impede their drug use. If you are hiding your use from people close to you, you know that you have a problem.

8. You sleep and eat considerably less than you used to

Amphetamines impair proper sleep and feelings of hunger. When you are dependent upon them or addicted, you are constantly using and interrupting both your sleep and your hunger. Since, both of these are necessary components to a healthy lifestyle, impeding them can cause grave health problems.

9. You risk your health and safety by doing dangerous things while high

Prescription amphetamines often say on the package not to take them and drive or operate heavy machinery. The same is true of illicit amphetamine. If you are impaired, you should not be putting yourself in situations that require quick thinking. If you are doing so, you are dealing with addiction.

10. You continue to use even though you are facing negative consequences

The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines addiction as “a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.” If you are doing so, you are an addict.

If these signs mirror your relationship with amphetamines, get help now. Let the experts at direct you to a quality rehab program that can help you end your unhealthy relationship with amphetamines. Call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?).

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