Do you feel anxious and paranoid from amphetamines? It may be necessary to seek treatment for this issue, especially if you have been abusing these dangerous drugs. Call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) now to find rehab centers that can help you make a change in your life.
Why Do Amphetamine Abusers Experience Paranoia and Anxiety?
Amphetamines are medications that have a particular effect on the brain. While they speed up the functions of the brain and body, they also cause the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine into the brain (Center for Substance Abuse Research).
As a result, a person taking these drugs in large doses might start to feel high and giddy, and they may become extremely talkative and restless. In addition, the individual will also likely feel more focused and awake, and these feelings can last for hours, unlike with cocaine abuse, which usually creates effects that only last for thirty minutes to an hour (or even less when one abuses crack).
Because the individual abusing amphetamines has a buildup of energy and alertness, they are likely to experience negative effects of these feelings as well. Once the initial enjoyment of the high begins to wear off, the individual will usually start to feel anxious, afraid, and paranoid.
These feelings occur because there is an intense buildup of the neurotransmitters listed above in the brain and because the individual is only meant to experience this type of focus and intensity for so long. Thus, anxiety and paranoia form.
Treatment for Anxiety and Paranoia Caused by Amphetamine Abuse

Anxiety and paranoia are usually experienced after the amphetamine high wears off.
Over time, a person’s anxious and paranoid feelings may start to become even more severe, and many long-term amphetamine abusers experience these issues even when they are not high. This type of severe anxiety and paranoia can even start to turn into psychotic symptoms and behaviors, especially if a person has been abusing amphetamines for a long time. But how are these issues treated?
- Behavioral therapy can often be extremely beneficial in the treatment of these effects. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can treat both one’s anxious and paranoid feelings as well as their addiction to amphetamines simultaneously, and in general, this is the best way for comorbid disorders to be treated (National Institute on Drug Abuse).
- Sometimes, like someone who is suffering from depression caused by amphetamine abuse will need to take antidepressants, antianxiety medications could be necessary. Unless you have past issues with anxiety, this pharmacological regimen can usually be stopped after your anxiety issues start to subside, but your doctor will still want to take you off the medication slowly.
- If you are experiencing issues with full-blown psychosis, your paranoia, anxiety, and other issues may need to be treated in an inpatient facility. You will likely be placed in a room where you will receive little to no stimulation and you may be given medication, such as neuroleptics, to treat your more severe symptoms (US Department of Veteran Affairs).
- Over time, and with help, your anxious and paranoid symptoms from amphetamines should start to subside, but these could resurface during a stressful moment later in your life. As such, your treatment program must also help train you in beneficial life skills that will allow you to recognize and avoid these issues in the future.
The most important thing to remember is that you should be kept safe during treatment and that any issues you are experiencing in addition to your amphetamine abuse and addiction must be treated simultaneously with your substance use disorder.
Therefore, your anxiety and paranoia must be identified, assessed, and treated at the same time as your amphetamine abuse is. This can sometimes start as early as during withdrawal treatment, especially if you are experiencing these issues as part of your withdrawal from amphetamines.
The psychological effects of amphetamine abuse can be severe, which is why your treatment program must be able to handle these issues and multiple methods can and often should be used together to provide you with well-rounded treatment.
Seek Treatment Today for Amphetamine Abuse
If you have been misusing your or someone else’s amphetamine medication for a long time, it is important to get help in order to stop. Let us match you with the best rehab center for your needs. Call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) now.