Adderall abuse has become a problem on high school and college campuses across the nation. According to the Purdue Component newspaper a study conducted at the University of Maryland estimates almost 11% of students nationally have used prescription stimulants non-medically over the past year (Purdue Component). The study goes on to state that at least 35% of students will use them at least once in their lifetime. Adderall abuse has reached epidemic proportions among today’s students. It is important therefore that you recognize when recreational use turns to abuse. By examining these Adderall abuse signs you can’t ignore, you should be able to determine if you should seek treatment.
Social Use
One Adderall abuse sign you can’t ignore is your need to use Adderall prior to attending social gatherings. Adderall is known to create a euphoric sense of self that makes students feel comfortable around others. Another social Adderall abuse sign is drug-seeking from those with a legitimate prescription. This has become a very real concern on college campuses. According to an article in USA Today – College; “Along with the mental effects, one social consequence of Adderall’s immense popularity among students: an almost ridiculous amount of peer pressure on those in possession of the pills” (USA Today).
Adderall Abuse while Studying

Getting prescriptions refilled early is a sign of Adderall misuse.
Adderall is commonly known as the ‘study drug’. Students feel that using Adderall during especially stressful or heavy studying periods helps them to focus more effectively and achieve greater success in completing their assignments. However, when you can no longer study effectively without using Adderall, or need to take more and more for the effects to be felt you should consider this a sign of Adderall abuse. The University of Maryland Medical Center defines drug abuse as; “…the recurrent use of illegal drugs, or the misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs with negative consequences (UMMC).
Non-Prescribed Daily Use
Adderall has been used for many disorders, but is most commonly known for treating Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Narcolepsy. Daily use of the Adderall without a prescription from a licensed practicing professional should unequivocally be considered Adderall abuse. According to the University of Southern California’s UScience Review; “about 14% of students note that they have been asked to sell, trade, or distribute Adderall, while only 2% actually have a prescription from their doctor” (UScience Review).
The pressure on today’s college student to please professors, parents, and peers is a driving force for Adderall use and abuse. What may start as your desire to make the grade might easily turn into an addiction. Before you consider following the crowd and finding a shortcut, consider the end result. If you already find yourself in the midst of Adderall abuse, seek help. There are many caring professionals with expertise in this area of intervention. Most school campuses today have professional student centers where information and assistance is available for Adderall abuse. You may also want to check for campus addiction hotlines.