How Can College Students Seek Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “Full-time college students aged 18 to 22 were twice as likely as their counterparts who were not full-time college students to have used Adderall nonmedically in the past year (6.4 vs. 3.0 percent).” Because of this research and many other studies of this type, it has been shown that a number of college students have a considerable problem with amphetamine abuse and many who do will require treatment. But how can a college student seek amphetamine addiction treatment?

On-Campus Solutions

Luckily, being in a university or even a smaller, community college atmosphere can provide a number of solutions to issues like these. Many universities offer free counseling to students who need it, and these counselors can often help students get in touch with rehab centers or other treatment options that fit both their schedules and their budgets. In many cases, groups like Narcotics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, and others have meetings on or near college campuses to help individuals begin recovery right away.

Reach Out to Parents

College Students

Some universities offer free counseling services where students can be referred to addiction treatment centers.

College students are still dipping their toes into their adult lives and, as such, they should remember that, in many cases, their parents are still available to them and can be a helpful source during a trying time. Many college students stay on their parents’ insurance plans until they are 26, which also can help individuals find the treatment they need once they reach out to their parents. Because those closest to you should want to see you both succeed and be healthy, this can often be a great option to help college students find the kind of treatment they require.

Free Clinics

College students who are struggling financially but need medical treatment for stimulant abuse and addiction can consider going to a free clinic near them to receive the help they need. Often, the student union will have information on the closest clinics and whether or not you can make an appointment or come in for a walk-in visit. If you require immediate assistance for a severe medical issue associated with your amphetamine abuse (whether psychological or physical), it is important to call 911 and to go to the hospital. Still, these clinics are often readily available, especially close to college campuses.

Ask for Help for Amphetamine Addiction

The most important thing is to avoid suffering in silence. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Addiction to stimulants is… a very real consideration for anyone taking them without medical supervision,” and abusing these drugs can lead to cardiovascular problems including heart attack and stroke, hostility and paranoia, severe weight loss and malnutrition, and intense withdrawal symptoms including depression. If you believe you may be addicted to amphetamines or if you have been abusing these drugs regularly for some time, seek treatment immediately in order to avoid more dangerous consequences of amphetamine abuse.

You can ask for help from your counselors, your professors, a friend you trust, your parents, and a number of other individuals on campus whose job it is to assist you. You can also call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) to find rehab programs in your area or to learn more about amphetamines and their effects.