Anyone who abuses amphetamines for reasons other than their intended use faces a very real risk of developing an addiction problem. Once addiction sets in, it’s all but impossible to stop using the drug one one’s own.
As far as the Pine Tree State goes, programs offering amphetamine rehab in Maine are there to help a person break the hold amphetamine addiction has on his or her life. Programs providing amphetamine detox in Maine offer a starting point for people ready to confront their addiction problem. From there, drug addiction treatment in Maine provides you with the tools needed to live a drug-free lifestyle. You can find rehab centers in most major cities, including Portland, Augusta, Lewiston, and Waterville.
Get help today at 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) to ask about amphetamine rehab treatment options.
Choosing an Amphetamine Detox Center in Maine
According to the U. S. National Library of Medicine, the ongoing use of amphetamine drugs, such as Adderall and Focalin gradually overpowers the brain’s chemical system. In the process, the body’s systems become dependent on the drug’s effects to function.
These conditions account for why people who abuse these drugs require some form of amphetamine detox treatment. Detox treatment works to break the body’s dependence on the drug.
How Do I Know IF I Need Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
With long-term drug abuse, both the body and the mind become dependent on amphetamines to function. Once the mind becomes dependent, amphetamine addiction has taken hold.
The need for amphetamine addiction treatment shows up in the following ways:
- Inability to stop or reduce drug use
- Ongoing emotional distress
- Drug-related relationship problems
- Decline in work/school performance and overall interest
- Money problems
Inpatient vs. Outpatient Detox
The choice between inpatient and outpatient detox can have a tremendous bearing on your ongoing success in recovery. In effect, the program you choose should provide the level of support needed to get you through the detox stage, successfully.
Inpatient detox takes place within a heavily monitored environment, providing you with ongoing emotional support and medical care as needed. Outpatient detox programs allow you to live at home and attend scheduled treatment sessions.
Someone who’s addicted to amphetamines will require the level of support provided by an inpatient detox program.
Paying for Treatment
Paying for amphetamine rehab in Maine may well be the least of your worries as most anyone can access some form of health insurance coverage, according to the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services. If you’re already covered by your employer health plan, it should cover a large percentage of your treatment costs.
People without employer-sponsored coverage have the option of applying for Medicaid, which also covers drug treatment costs.
Is Free Detox Available?
Free detox treatment is available, though these programs typically have strict eligibility requirements. More than anything else, income level or financial means will determine whether or not you qualify for free detox treatment.
Find an Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Center
While it may make sense to try and “ease into” the recovery process a little bit at a time, settling for any ole program or the least intrusive program option may well set you up for failure. Choosing the level of care needed to address the types of issues and challenges you face ultimately helps ensure a full recovery from addiction’s effects.
If you need helping finding programs offering drug addiction treatment in Maine that meet your specific treatment needs, call our helpline at 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) to get help today.