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Why Do People Abuse Their Adderall Pills?

People abuse Adderall pills for a number of reasons, but this can lead to many dangerous results. Therefore, if you have been taking Adderall without a prescription––or taking more of it than you were prescribed to––then you may need to seek treatment immediately. Call 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) now to find rehab centers that can help you put an end to your stimulant misuse.

Adderall Use vs. Abuse

According to the National Library of Medicine, “The combination dextroamphetamine and amphetamine [also known as Adderall] is used as part of a treatment program to control symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” When used as directed, the drug can help individuals who have trouble staying focused stay that way for longer periods of time. Unfortunately, though, many people abuse Adderall instead of taking it the way it is prescribed. Others are not supposed to take the drug at all but take it anyway.

When someone

they are abusing this prescription-only medication. But why do people abuse Adderall pills in the first place?

Why Do People Abuse Adderall?

Some college students abuse Adderall to improve focus.

Many people who are supposed to take Adderall as a treatment for ADHD actually abuse the drug instead. One of the reasons why they do so is because “stimulants speed up the body’s systems,” creating certain, often desirable effects (Drug Enforcement Administration). These can include:

Everything in the individual begins to work faster, and they will not need to stop to eat or sleep while on a large dose of Adderall. This is something many people desire for a number of reasons. For one, young people often use Adderall as performance enhancers.

It can help an individual stay awake and focused long enough to cram for a test, complete a project, or do something else. In fact, “an estimated 6.4 percent of full-time college students age 18 to 22 used Adderall nonmedically in the past year,” according to a study from the Substance Abuse and mental Health Services Administration.

Unfortunately, though, it is actually less likely for a person abusing Adderall to perform well in school or other activities (National Institute on Drug Abuse).

People may also misuse the drug for other reasons. Adderall, like other stimulants and opioids, can cause significant euphoria when taken in large doses, so many individuals use the drug to get high. Others might actually use it to just feel more comfortable and confident in a social situation. However, every one of these is an example of abuse and can possibly lead to addiction if an individual abuses their (or someone else’s) prescription enough.

Adderall Users and Safety

The abuse of prescription drugs is a serious issue in our world today, and regrettably, many of the individuals who are prescribed Adderall abuse it from time to time or give it to others to use. Often, the medication is prescribed to younger individuals between the ages of 7 to 17. These individuals are also among some of the most likely to abuse this particular drug for the reasons listed above.

If you or your loved one is taking Adderall through a prescription, it is very important to understand not only why an individual would abuse the drug but also what the risks of this abuse can be. Someone who misuses their Adderall prescription may start out having control of this use, but like all kinds of substance abuse associated with addictive drugs, an individual’s ability to stop becomes more and more compromised the more they continue to abuse the drug. Therefore, always avoiding abuse is very important, and if you believe you or someone else needs help, it is essential that you seek it as soon as possible.


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