How Long Does Amphetamine Withdrawal Last for Someone Who’s Just Gone Through Detox?

Overcoming amphetamine addiction is no easy task. It’s not uncommon for someone to go through detox treatment only to turn around and relapse shortly thereafter. That’s how addiction works.

By now, you already know what to expect as far as the amphetamine withdrawal experience goes; but how long does amphetamine withdrawal last after a person has already gone through detox treatment?

The effects of relapse can vary depending on a range of factors; and then there’s the unavoidable question of whether you should go through detox treatment again. Considering the role amphetamine withdrawal plays in the addiction cycle, it’s especially important to consider your current treatment needs at this critical point in the recovery process.

If you have questions about available rehab treatment options, call our toll-free helpline at 800-816-1059(Who Answers?).

Relapse Episodes

Amphetamine drugs, such as ecstasy, Adderall and Concerta can quickly take over the brain’s chemical system with prolonged use. For many, what starts out as a recreational pursuit, soon turns into overwhelming cravings for more of the drug.

Relapsing after amphetamine detox can literally be a life or death endeavor considering how the body’s tolerance levels have dropped. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more often than not, relapse episodes result when needed treatment supports are lacking after detox treatment.

Under these conditions, a person may well be asking “how long does amphetamine withdrawal last” over and over again in the absence of ongoing treatment supports.

How Long Does Amphetamine Withdrawal Last? – Contributing Factors

How Long Does Amphetamine Withdrawal Last

A longer relapse episode will lead to an extended withdrawal duration.

Length of Relapse Period

Relapse can take the form of a one-time slip, or it can extend over the course of days or weeks. Longer relapse episodes produce the following effects:

Each one of the above effects makes for a longer withdrawal duration. In effect, the longer the relapse period the longer withdrawal will last.

Amount of Drugs Used

Unlike most other types of addictive drugs, amphetamine abuse “naturally” leads to bingeing behaviors. According to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, the brain’s tolerance for amphetamines increases at a fast rate, so someone coming off an extended relapse period may well have resumed bingeing practices.

In effect, stopping drug use will bring on severe symptoms during the first week or two of withdrawal. From their, a person stands to go through three to six months of severe depression and ongoing feelings of anxiety.

Mental Health Status

If you’ve developed a depression or anxiety-based disorder during the course of abusing amphetamines, the answer to the question “how long does amphetamine withdrawal last” gets a little more complicated. Conditions like depression and anxiety aggravate withdrawal symptoms, making them that much more difficult to bear.

Mental health problems also tend to make withdrawal periods run considerably longer than usual.

Treatment Considerations

Anyone who truly wants to eliminate amphetamine abuse from his or her life should seriously consider seeking out additional treatment supports. Ultimately, an inability to stop using amphetamines means an addiction problem is at work.

Without ongoing treatment help, it only gets harder and harder to recover from an addiction problem.

Please don’t hesitate to call our helpline at 800-816-1059(Who Answers?) if you need help finding a rehab program that meets your needs.