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Vyvanse vs. Adderall: Overdose Risks to Consider

Prescription stimulant medications offer a range of benefits for people affected by ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). ADHD produces certain chemical imbalances in the brain that these drugs can set right. As far as Vyvanse vs. Adderall goes, both drugs do a good job at alleviating ADHD symptoms.

In spite of their therapeutic benefits, using prescription stimulants for reasons other than their intended treatment purposes places users at high risk for abuse, addiction and even overdose.

Overdose risks involving Vyvanse vs. Adderall vary considerably because of how each drug works. That being so, certain factors can tip the scales in cases where drug abuse becomes an issue.

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ADHD Medication Effects

When used as directed, overdose risks involving Vyvanse vs. Adderall run fairly low. In effect, ADHD medication work by stimulating neurotransmitter production rates, especially those involving dopamine and norepinephrine, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Dopamine chemical processes play a central role in regulating normal central nervous system functioning. Bodily systems most affected include:

Both Vyvanse and Adderall abuse can lead to an overdose.

Norepinephrine regulates the body’s “fight-or-flight” response, increasing adrenalin and cortisol levels in the face of perceived threats or danger. Considering the delicate systems involved, the abuse of ADHD medications can cause any number of physical and/or psychological problems to develop over time.

Similarities and Differences Between Vyvanse vs. Adderall

The primary differences that influence Vyvanse vs. Adderall overdose risks stems from how these drugs work in the brain and body. Whereas the body quickly breakdown Adderall, in any form, into a usable material, Vyvanse has a chemical makeup that’s designed to prevent the drug from being abused.

Beside these differences, the amphetamine ingredient in both drugs produces the same types of effects, so both drugs do indeed carry an inherent risk for abuse, addiction and overdose.

Overdose Factors

Bingeing Potential

The brain develops a tolerance to amphetamine-based drugs at an incredibly fast rate. This means, ongoing drug abuse will eventually drive a person to start bingeing or ingesting incredibly large doses at a time, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.

In terms of Vyvanse vs. Adderall, bingeing on Adderall comes with a high risk for overdose simply because of the amount of strain placed on the body’s systems. While still dangerous, bingeing on Vyvanse carries a considerable lower risk.

Chronic or Long-Term Use

Chronic and long-term amphetamine abuse practices not only weaken the brain’s structural makeup over time, but also creates conditions for physical dependence and eventual addiction to develop. As far as addiction goes, the compulsive drug-using behavior that addiction breeds leaves a person at high risk for overdose regardless of which drug, Vyvanse or Adderall, is involved.

Treatment Considerations

While comparing Vyvanse vs. Adderall does reveal certain key distinctions, abuse of one or the other ultimately works towards the same ends as far as their potential for overdose goes. In this respect, the need for some form of treatment help increases with each passing day.

For information on amphetamine abuse rehab program options, call our helpline at 800-816-1059(Who Answers?).

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