- A case study of BRON (cough suppressant) tablet dependence–its social psychiatric and biological aspects
- A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Use of Amphetamine in the Treatment of Aphasia
- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
- Alertness-enhancing drugs as a countermeasure to fatigue in irregular work hours
- Amphetamine Abuse
- 10 Important Amphetamine Abuse Statistics
- 10 Reasons to Say No to Amphetamine Abuse
- 10 Reasons to Stop Using Ritalin Today
- 10 Signs Your Son or Daughter is Abusing Amphetamines
- 15 Warning Signs of Amphetamine Abuse
- 6 Ways to Recognize You Have an Amphetamine Problem
- 8 Consequences of Amphetamine Abuse You Don’t Want to Experience
- Amphetamine Addiction
- 10 Signs You Need Help for Amphetamine Addiction
- 10 Warning Signs of Amphetamine Addiction
- 10 Ways that your addiction to amphetamines is Dangerous
- 11 Reasons why You Need to Seek Amphetamine Treatment for Your Son Now
- 15 Symptoms of Amphetamine Abuse You Can’t Ignore
- 15 Things They Don’t Tell you About Amphetamine Overdose
- 5 Amphetamine Addiction Signs You Can’t Miss
- 5 Consequences of Amphetamine Abuse
- 6 Reasons for Amphetamine Addiction
- 6 Tips for Living with an Amphetamine Addict
- Alternative Treatments for ADHD During Ritalin Addiction Recovery
- Am I Addicted to Speed?
- Amphetamine Dependence Causes
- Are ADHD Drugs Addictive (And How Do I Avoid Becoming Addicted)?
- Being Honest with Yourself about Your Amphetamine Addiction
- Can Amphetamine Dependence Lead to Addiction?
- Challenging the View of Addiction as a Disease
- Consequences of Amphetamine Abuse
- Diagnosis of Amphetamine Addiction
- Effects of Amphetamine Abuse
- Effects of Amphetamine Addiction
- Family Intervention Strategies for Helping the Addict in Your Family
- Family Roles in Addiction: Should We Be Involved in Treatment
- Have You Become Addicted to or Dependent on ADHD Medication?
- How Amphetamine Abuse Leads to Addiction
- How Amphetamine Addiction Can Ruin Your Life
- How Amphetamine Tolerance Can Lead to Addiction
- How Can Your Addiction to Amphetamines Affect Others?
- How Do Shame and Guilt Differ in Amphetamine Addicts?
- How to Reverse an Amphetamine Dependence Safely
- How to Tell your Parents that your Ritalin Addiction is Out of Control
- Is Weight Loss Worth Amphetamine Addiction?
- Most Common Amphetamine Addiction Symptoms
- Recognizing Amphetamine Abuse Symptoms in a Loved One
- Recognizing the Signs of Amphetamine Abuse
- Recognizing the Signs of Amphetamine Dependence
- Recovery Communities Offer a Unique Option to People in Recovery
- Ritalin vs Adderall Addiction Risks
- Signs of Amphetamine Addiction
- Signs of Bath Salt Addiction and the Need for Treatment Help
- Signs of Speed Addiction
- Telltale Amphetamine Addiction Signs
- The Benefits of Having a Relapse Prevention Plan
- The Dangers of Prescription Amphetamine Addiction during the Holidays
- The Diminishing Returns of Cocaine Addiction & Why It’s Important to Get Treatment Help
- The Importance of Having a Relapse Prevention Plan
- Warning Signs of Relapse into Amphetamine Use
- What is Speed Addiction?
- What is the Binge-Crash Cycle?
- What to do When your Son is Addicted to Amphetamines and Won’t Go to Rehab
- What You Can Do About an Addiction Relapse
- When to Call in a Drug Intervention Specialist for a Loved One Battling Cocaine Addiction
- Who Needs Help for Amphetamine Addiction?
- Your Recovery from Amphetamine Addiction Depends Upon Your Honesty
- Amphetamine Use Actually Harms Work Performance
- Dangers of Snorting Adderall
- Effects of Amphetamine Abuse
- Focalin vs. Adderall Abuse: 3 Reasons to Consider Getting Treatment Help
- Having the Talk About Amphetamine Abuse With Your College-Aged Son or Daughter
- How to Reverse an Amphetamine Dependence Safely
- I’m in College and I Abuse Amphetamines: Do I Need Help?
- Is Heavy Amphetamine Use Really Dangerous?
- Is Long Term Use of Amphetamines Dangerous?
- Is there Amphetamine Abuse among Law Enforcement Officers
- Street Names for Speed
- Symptoms of Amphetamine Use
- Telltale Signs of Amphetamine Abuse
- The Dangers of Bath Salt Abuse and the Need for Treatment Help
- Treatment for Anxiety and Paranoia Caused by Amphetamine Abuse
- Unexpected Triggers that Lead to Amphetamine Abuse
- Vyvanse vs. Adderall: Overdose Risks to Consider
- Why Amphetamine Abuse & Bingeing Go Together & When to Get Help
- Why Do College Students Abuse Amphetamines?
- Amphetamine addiction during pregnancy: 10-year follow-up
- Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
- 11 Ways that the Matrix Model of Treatment Helps with Amphetamine Addiction
- 5 Benefits of Outpatient Treatment for Amphetamine Addiction
- 5 Major Benefits of Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
- 5 Signs You Need Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
- 5 Things to Consider When Choosing Treatment for Amphetamine Addiction
- Amphetamine Addiction & Depression: Treatment Options
- Bingeing and Crashing during the Holidays and the Need for Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
- Can Medication Help During Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- Can My Insurance Help Pay for My Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- Can Ritalin Addiction Be Treated?
- Can Stimulant Addiction Be Treated with Methadone?
- Can You Make a Person Get Addiction Help?
- Choosing Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
- Christian Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
- Coping with Amphetamine Cravings in Inpatient Care
- Crystal Meth Rehab Options For Policemen
- Do I Need Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- Do I Need Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- Do I Need to Avoid Caffeine After Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- Do I Really Need Treatment for Amphetamine Addiction?
- Free Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Options
- From Amphetamine Addiction Treatment to Relapse: Where to Go from Here
- Getting Help for Amphetamine Abuse
- Getting Your Adult Child into Amphetamine Treatment
- How Amphetamine Addiction and Anxiety Disorders Can Be Treated Simultaneously
- How Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Helps You Recover
- How Can College Students Seek Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- How Can I Help an Addict Get Amphetamine Abuse Treatment?
- How Can Nutrition Classes Help Me in Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- How Can Professional Treatment Help Me Overcome Amphetamine Psychosis?
- How Long Does Stimulant Abuse Treatment Last?
- How Long Will Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Take?
- How Stigma Affects Addiction Recovery
- How to Stop Being Codependent to Help Your Loved One with Their Addiction
- How to Talk to an Amphetamine Addict about Addiction Treatment
- Immediate Treatment for Amphetamine Addiction
- Is Adderall Addiction Treatment Really Necessary If I Detox on My Own?
- Is Amphetamine Addiction Serious Enough to Warrant Inpatient Care?
- Is Amphetamine Addiction Treatment The Right Choice for Me?
- Is Art Therapy a Possible Treatment Option for Amphetamine Abuse?
- Is Methadone a Treatment Option for Amphetamine Addiction?
- Is Reality Television Impacting Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- Is Residential Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Right for Me?
- Is There Free Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- Recognizing the Signs a Loved One Needs Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
- Residential Amphetamine Addiction Treatment
- Residential Detox for Amphetamine Addiction
- Ritalin Addiction Treatment
- Should I Seek Inpatient Treatment for Amphetamine Addiction?
- The Importance of Human Connection in Addiction Recovery
- The Role Aromatherapy Can Play in Your Recovery
- Top 10 Symptoms of Amphetamine Withdrawal
- Treatment for Ritalin Abuse & Addiction
- What Can I Expect from Amphetamine Abuse Treatment?
- What Should I Bring With Me to Stimulant Addiction Rehab?
- Your Amphetamine Treatment Intake
- Amphetamine and cocaine increase the risk Of stroke in young adults
- Amphetamine blocks long-term synaptic
depression in the ventral tegmental area - Amphetamine depresses excitatory synaptic transmission via serotonin receptors in the ventral tegmental area
- Amphetamine Detox
- Amphetamine Detox Risks
- Benefits of Medical Help in Amphetamine Detox
- Does Amphetamine Addiction Require Detox?
- How Is Lithium Withdrawal Treated?
- How to Stay Drug-Free After Amphetamine Detox Ends
- Is Home Detox for Amphetamines Safe?
- Tips for a Safe Amphetamine Detox
- What Happens After Amphetamine Detox?
- Why Doesn’t Amphetamine Withdrawal Help Work for Me?
- Will Getting Amphetamine Withdrawal Help Cure My Addiction Problem?
- Amphetamine poisoning
- Amphetamine Withdrawal
- 3 Signs Your Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms Are Getting Worse
- 3 Unseen Effects of Amphetamine Withdrawal That Shouldn’t Be Ignored
- 3 Ways Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms Keep You Trapped Inside Addiction
- 5 Common Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms
- 5 Potential Causes of Drug Relapse
- 5 Signs of Depression in Recovering Amphetamine Abusers
- 5 Steps In Amphetamine Withdrawal Treatment
- 5 Tips for Coping with Amphetamine Withdrawal
- 7 Emotions you are Likely to Experience During Amphetamine Addiction Recovery
- 9 Signs of Depression Caused by Amphetamine Withdrawal
- Battling Amphetamine Cravings with Distraction Techniques
- Can Depression from Amphetamine Withdrawal Be Treated?
- Concerta vs Adderall Withdrawal: Is One Worse Than the Other?
- Do I Need Treatment for Amphetamine Withdrawal?
- Does Having an Amphetamine Withdrawal Episode Mean I Have an Addiction Problem?
- Ecstasy Withdrawal and the Need for Treatment
- How Amphetamine Withdrawal Episodes Keep Your Addiction Going
- How Can I Cope with the Symptoms of Stimulant Withdrawal?
- How Long After Treatment Will Amphetamine Cravings Continue to Occur?
- How Long Does Amphetamine Withdrawal Last for Someone Who’s Just Gone Through Detox?
- How Long Does Amphetamine Withdrawal Last If I Only Use Occasionally?
- Immediate Treatment for Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms
- Is Amphetamine Withdrawal Treatment Hard?
- Is Withdrawal from ADHD Drugs Deadly?
- Methods to Distract yourself from Cravings for Amphetamines
- Natural Help for Amphetamine Withdrawal
- Ritalin Withdrawal
- The Amphetamine Withdrawal Timeline and How to Make It Through
- The Most Common Withdrawal Symptoms of Stimulants
- Timeline of Amphetamine Withdrawal
- Timeline of Amphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms
- Treatment Options for Amphetamine Withdrawal
- Understanding Amphetamine Withdrawal
- What Amphetamine Withdrawal is Really Like
- What are the Effects of Amphetamine Withdrawal?
- What Do I Need to Know About Amphetamine Withdrawal Treatment?
- What is Stimulant Withdrawal Like?
- Who Experiences Amphetamine Withdrawal?
- Amphetamine, Methamphetamine and Psychostimulant Treatment Resources by State
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Alabama
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Alaska
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Arizona
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Arkansas
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in California
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Colorado
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Connecticut
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Delaware
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Florida
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Georgia
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Hawaii
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Idaho
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Illinois
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Indiana
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Iowa
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Kansas
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Kentucky
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Louisiana
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Maine
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Maryland
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs Massachusetts
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Michigan
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Minnesota
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Mississippi
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Missouri
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Montana
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Nebraska
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Nevada
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in New Hampshire
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in New Jersey
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in New Mexico
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in New York
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in North Carolina
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in North Dakota
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Ohio
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Oklahoma
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Oregon
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Pennsylvania
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Rhode Island
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in South Carolina
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in South Dakota
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Tennessee
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Texas
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Utah
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Vermont
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Virginia
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Washington
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in West Virginia
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Wisconsin
- Meth Amphetamine Rehabs in Wyoming
- Amphetamine, methamphetamine and psychostimulants
- Amphetamine–induced rage reaction in mice and its mechanism
- Amphetamine-induced dopamine release in human ventral striatum correlates with euphoria
- Amphetamine-resistant zebrafish reveal secrets of addiction
- Amphetamine-stimulated cortical acetylcholine release: role of the basal forebrain
- Amphetamines
- 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Amphetamines
- 4 Disorders Commonly Treated with Amphetamines – If You Don’t Have One of These Disorders, You Shouldn’t Be Using Amphetamines
- 7 Reasons to Say No to Amphetamines
- Are Amphetamines Illegal?
- Are there Amphetamine Alternatives for Former Addicts?
- Dangers of Amphetamines
- How Can I Take My Amphetamine Prescription Safely?
- I Want to Stop My Amphetamine Prescription: How Can I Do So Safely?
- Is Speed Meth?
- List of Amphetamine Drugs
- Many People Ask “Are Prescription Amphetamines Stimulants?”
- What is the Amphetamine Speed?
- When Use of Amphetamine is Dangerous
- Amphetamines and Alcohol
- Amphetamines Effects
- 10 Amphetamine Overdose Symptoms You Should be Aware Of
- 10 Amphetamine Side Effects To Look Out For
- 10 Most Common Amphetamine Psychosis Symptoms
- 10 Reasons why Amphetamine Performance Enhancement is Not Worth it
- 10 Signs of Amphetamine Use You May be Overlooking
- 10 Undeniable Symptoms of Amphetamine Psychosis
- 20 Amphetamines Side Effects You Could Experience
- 3 Long-Term Effects of Amphetamine Psychosis You Shouldn’t Overlook
- 5 Long Term Effects of Amphetamine Abuse
- 5 Signs Your Loved One is Using Amphetamines
- 6 Long-term Effects of Amphetamines Abuse and Addiction
- Amphetamine Dependence & Mental Health Problems: When to Consider Treatment
- Amphetamine Effects on the Brain
- Amphetamine Side Effects
- Amphetamine Side Effects You Should Worry About
- Are Amphetamines More Dangerous Than Cocaine?
- Can Amphetamine Related Disorders Cause Permanent Brain Damage?
- Cocaine Abuse vs Amphetamine Abuse: Which is Worse?
- Consequences of Heavy Amphetamine Use
- Dangerous Amphetamine Psychosis
- Dangerous Amphetamine Side Effects
- Devastating Effects of Amphetamines
- Do Amphetamines Damage the Brain (and Can It Be Reversed)?
- Do I Have an Amphetamine Dependence?
- Effects of Amphetamine Abuse
- Effects of Heavy Amphetamine Use
- Finding Help for Amphetamine Psychosis
- How Amphetamine Addiction Affects Your Liver and Kidneys
- How Common is Amphetamine-Induced Psychosis?
- How Do I Know I Am Taking Too Much of My Amphetamine Medication?
- How Does Ritalin Affect The Nervous System?
- How is Amphetamine Psychosis Treated?
- How Long do Amphetamines Stay In Your Urine?
- How Long Does Amphetamine Psychosis Last?
- I Abuse Amphetamines for Weight Loss: Do I Need Help?
- Is Amphetamine Overdose Deadly?
- Is Amphetamine Withdrawal Dangerous?
- Is Depression an Amphetamine Related Disorder?
- Is Heavy Amphetamine Use Dangerous?
- Is Weight Loss While Taking Amphetamines Normal or Will I Need Treatment?
- Long Term Effects of Amphetamines
- Losing Weight the Dangerous Way
- Physical Effects of Amphetamines: Short and Long-term
- Potential Consequences of Long Term Amphetamine Use
- Potential Long Term Effects of Amphetamine on the Body
- Psychological Effects of Amphetamines
- Recognizing the Abuse of Amphetamines among Doctors and Nurses
- Recognizing the Signs of Amphetamine-induced Psychosis
- Short-term Amphetamines Effects
- Signs of Amphetamine Use
- Symptoms of Amphetamine Overdose
- Symptoms of Amphetamine Psychosis
- Telltale Amphetamine Overdose Symptoms
- The Long-Term Effects of Amphetamines
- The Short-Term Effects of Amphetamines
- Tips for Coping with Stimulant Withdrawal Symptoms
- Warning Signs of Relapse into Amphetamine Use
- What Are the Long-term Psychological Effects of Amphetamine Abuse?
- What are the Psychological Effects of Abusing Amphetamines?
- What Happens If You Overdose on Depression Pills?
- What is Amphetamine Psychosis?
- What is the Amphetamine Comedown Like?
- What to Know about Amphetamines and Pregnancy
- Where to Find Help for Amphetamine Psychosis
- Why do Athletes take Illegal Amphetamines?
- Why Do College Students Abuse Amphetamines?
- Amphetamines Facts
- Amphetamines Street Names
- Amphetamines, Adolf Hitler and World War Two
- Amphetamines: aggressive and social behavior
- Anorectic efficacy of the fenfluramine/phentermine combination in rats: additivity or synergy?
- Anthony Eden (1897-1977)
- Appetite suppressants. A review.
- Authors
- Behavioral, toxic, and neurochemical effects of sydnocarb, a novel psychomotor stimulant: comparisons with methamphetamine
- Adolf Hitler’s medical care
- Association of sympathomimetic drugs with malformations
- Characteristics of unlimited access to self-administered stimulant infusions in dogs
- Comparative and interactive human psychopharmacologic effects of ketamine and amphetamine: implications for glutamatergic and dopaminergic model psychoses and cognitive function
- Differential effects of withdrawal from chronic amphetamine or fluoxetine administration on brain stimulation reward in the rat–interactions between the two drugs
- Dyskinesias possibly induced by norpseudoephedrine
- Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome: effects of stimulant drugs
- Hidden amphetamines: from smoking cessation to diabetes
- Mimicking gene defects to treat drug dependence
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic effects of (+)-amphetamine-like stimulants in the baboon Papio anubis
- Selected herbals and human exercise performance
- Zinc supplements for ADHD ?
- Bizarre behavior following the ingestion of levo-desoxyephedrine
- Cathinone, a natural amphetamine
- Chronopharmacokinetics and chronopharmacodynamics of dextromethamphetamine in man
- Clinical pharmacokinetics of amfetamine and related substances: monitoring in conventional and non-conventional matrices
- Clinical psychopharmacology of AD/HD: implications for animal models
- ADHD drugs: risks of Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin etc)
- Are amphetamine (Adderall etc) and amphetamine-like stimulants (Ritalin etc) for ADHD overprescribed?
- Differential effectiveness of methylphenidate and Adderall in school-age youths with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- Genetics and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- New developments in psychopharmacology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Pharmacologic alternatives to psychostimulants for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- Psychopharmacology of ADHD: children and adolescents
- Clinical studies with mazindol
- Comparative anorectic effects of metaraminol and phenylephrine in rats
- Comparative oral and topical decongestant effects of phenylpropanolamine and d-pseudoephedrinene
- Define Amphetamines
- Detection of amphetamine and methamphetamine following administration of benzphetamine
- Devastating Effects of Amphetamines
- Dexedrine
- Diethylpropion and psychosis
- Disclosures and Terms of Use
- Discriminative stimulus properties of (-)ephedrine
- Dopamine as the wind of the psychotic fire: new evidence from brain imaging studies
- Dopaminergic nature of acute cathine tolerance
- Early Warning Signs of Amphetamine Addiction
- Eden ‘was on purple hearts during Suez crisis’
- Effects of dextroamphetamine on depression and fatigue in men with HIV: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
- Effects of phentermine on responding maintained by progressive-ratio schedules of cocaine and food delivery in rhesus monkeys
- Effects of withdrawal from an escalating dose schedule of d-amphetamine on sexual behavior in the male rat
- Ephedrine as an anorectic: the story of the ‘Elsinore pill’
- Evidence for long-term neurotoxicity associated with methamphetamine abuse: A 1H MRS study
- Expression of Amphetamine-Induced Behavioral Sensitization after Short- and Long-Term Withdrawal Periods: Participation of mu- and delta-Opioid Receptors
- Fenetylline: therapeutic use, misuse and/or abuse
- History of Amphetamines
- History of the methamphetamine problem
- Effects of dopamine and serotonin-releasing agents on methamphetamine discrimination and self-administration in rats
- Effects of methamphetamine on the adjusting amount procedure, a model of impulsive behavior in rats
- Effects of the NMDA antagonist memantine on human methamphetamine discrimination
- Loss of dopamine transporters in methamphetamine abusers recovers with protracted abstinence
- Methamphetamine abuse: a perfect storm of complications
- Methamphetamine increases dopamine transporter higher molecular weight complex formation via a dopamine- and hyperthermia-associated mechanism
- Methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity in mice: long-lasting sensitization to the locomotor stimulation and desensitization to the rewarding effects of methamphetamine
- Quite a lot of smoke but very limited fire–the use of methamphetamine in Europe
- Reinforcing effects of methamphetamine in planarians
- The Neurotoxic Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and Methamphetamine on Serotonin, Dopamine, and GABA-ergic Terminals: An In-Vitro Autoradiographic Study In Rats
- Why is parkinsonism not a feature of human methamphetamine users?
- Hitler’s Drugged Soldiers
- Ice
- Illegal or legitimate use? Precursor compounds to amphetamine and methamphetamine
- Implication of dopaminergic mechanisms in the wake-promoting effects of amphetamine: a study of D- and L-derivatives in canine narcolepsy
- Increased sensitivity to stress in spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis: noradrenergic hyperactivity with contribution from dopaminergic hyperactivity
- Increasing abuse of psychostimulants is alarming. New findings confirm the mechanisms behind cocaine and amphetamine addiction
- Interaction of the anorectic medication, phendimetrazine, and its metabolites with monoamine transporters in rat brain
- Is methylphenidate like cocaine? Studies on their pharmacokinetics and distribution in the human brain
- ‘ADHD’ Toddlers on Ritalin
- Biochemical and behavioral characterization of novel methylphenidate analogs
- Chronic pretreatment with methylphenidate induces cross-sensitization with amphetamine
- Daily methylphenidate use slows the growth of children: a community based study
- Daytrana ( methylphenidate patch ) for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Dexmethylphenidate
- Dexmethylphenidate-Novartis/celgene. Focalin, D-MPH, D-methylphenidate hydrochloride, D-methylphenidate, dexmethylphenidate, dexmethylphenidate hydrochloride
- Early methylphenidate administration to young rats causes a persistent reduction in the density of striatal dopamine transporters
- Effect of repeated methylphenidate administration on presynaptic dopamine and behaviour in young adult rats
- Methylphenidate (OROS formulation)
- Once-a-day Concerta methylphenidate versus three-times-daily methylphenidate in laboratory and natural settings
- Parenteral Ritalin
- Rewarding properties of methylphenidate: sensitization by prior exposure to the drug and effects of dopamine D1- and D2-receptor antagonists
- Ritalin advertisement, 1969
- Ritalin and heart arrhythmias
- The Ritalin Kid
- What is the long-term effect of Ritalin on the brain ?
- John F Kennedy (1917-1963)
- Khat consumption: a pharmacological review
- List of Amphetamines
- Long-lasting psychotomimetic consequences of repeated low-dose amphetamine exposure in rhesus monkeys
- Loss of tolerance to amphetamine-induced hypophagia in rats: homeostatic readjustment vs. instrumental learning
- Low-dose amphetamine salts and adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- A comparison of morning-only and morning/late afternoon Adderall to morning-only, twice-daily, and three times-daily methylphenidate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of SLI381 (Adderall XR) in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- Adderall ( dextro-amphetamine plus levo-amphetamine ) for ADHD
- Amphetamine enantiomer excretion profile following administration of adderall
- Effect of food on early drug exposure from extended-release stimulants: results from the Concerta, Adderall XR Food Evaluation (CAFE) Study
- Efficacy of Adderall and methylphenidate in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a reanalysis using drug-placebo and drug-drug response curve methodology
- Objective and subjective measures of the pharmacodynamic effects of Adderall in the treatment of children with ADHD in a controlled laboratory classroom setting
- Pharmacokinetics of SLI381 (ADDERALL XR), an extended-release formulation of Adderall
- Placebo-controlled evaluation of amphetamine mixture-dextroamphetamine salts and amphetamine salts (Adderall): efficacy rate and side effects
- SLI-381 (Adderall XR)
- The use of psychostimulants in the pediatric patient
- Mephentermine dependence with psychosis. A case report
- Metabolic profile of amphetamine and methamphetamine following administration of the drug famprofazone
- Metabolism and toxicological detection of the new designer drug 3′,4′-methylenedioxy-alpha-pyrrolidinopropiophenone studied in urine using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- Metabolism of 4-methylaminorex (“EU4EA”) in the rat
- meth
- Methamphetamine : structure
- Methamphetamine and driving impairment
- Methamphetamine Frequently Asked Questions
- Methamphetamine rapidly decreases vesicular dopamine uptake
- Activation of striatal dopamine receptors by psychostimulants: chemical anatomy, autonomic and behavioural effects
- Amphetamine distorts stimulation-dependent dopamine overflow: effects on D2 autoreceptors, transporters, and synaptic vesicle stores
- Amphetamine induces dopamine efflux through a dopamine transporter channel
- Development of conditioned place preference induced by intra-accumbens infusion of amphetamine is attenuated by co-infusion of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor antagonists
- Dopaminergic transmission and the sleep-wakefulness continuum in man
- Function of monoamine neurotransmitter transporters
- Increased dopaminergic transmission mediates the wake-promoting effects of cns stimulants
- Segregation of amphetamine reward and locomotor stimulation between nucleus accumbens medial shell and core
- The reverse transport of DA, what physiological significance?
- The role of zinc ions in reverse transport mediated by monoamine transporters
- Viral restoration of dopamine to the nucleus accumbens is sufficient to induce a locomotor response to amphetamine
- Methcathinone: a Russian designer amphetamine infiltrates the rural midwest
- Most Common Amphetamine Abuse Symptoms
- Muscular and cardiorespiratory effects of pseudoephedrine in human athletes
- Nazis tested cocaine on camp inmates
- News
- Order of onset of substance abuse and depression in a sample of depressed outpatients
- Permanent alteration of central noradrenergic system by prenatally administered amphetamine
- Pharmacology of appetite suppression
- Privacy Policy
- Prosecutor fighting meth using law that punishes terrorism
- Psychiatric side effects attributed to phenylpropanolamine
- Psychotic disorders among inpatients with abuse of cannabis, amphetamine and opiates. Do dopaminergic stimulants facilitate psychiatric illness?
- Quality evaluation of twelve species of Chinese Ephedra (ma huang)
- Rehabs
- Relationship between low-dose amphetamine-induced arousal and extracellular norepinephrine and dopamine levels within prefrontal cortex
- Repeated methamphetamine use causes long-term adaptations in brains of mice, researchers find
- Scientists Enhance Ability to Feel
Method Might Restore Sensory Function in Elderly, Improve It in Young - Search Page
- Secret Home Drug-Making Labs
Expose Children to Toxic Fallout - Seville (sour) orange juice: synephrine content and cardiovascular effects in normotensive adults
- Sibutramine: new preparation. Slight weight loss; but also a slight rise in blood pressure…
- Signs And Physical Effects of Amphetamine Abuse
- Stereotyped behavior: effects of d-amphetamine and methylphenidate in the young rat
- Sustaining helicopter pilot performance with Dexedrine during periods of sleep deprivation
- Telltale Signs of Amphetamine Addiction
- The Benzedrine Inhaler
- The discriminative stimulus and subjective effects of d-amphetamine, phenmetrazine and fenfluramine in humans
- The hedonic effects of amphetamine and pentobarbital in goldfish
- This Is Your Brain on Meth: A ‘Forest Fire’ of Damage
- Treatment of chronic cocaine abuse and attention deficit disorder, residual type, with magnesium pemoline
- Types of Amphetamines
- Adderall
- 10 Adderall Abuse Signs You May be Overlooking
- 10 Signs Adderall Withdrawal Treatment Is Necessary
- 10 Signs of Adderall Withdrawal
- 20 Signs of Adderall Addiction That You May Not Notice
- 25 Adderall Abuse Symptoms that Can’t be Overlooked
- 3 Dangerous Similarities Between Focalin vs Adderall That Shouldn’t Be Ignored
- 3 Reasons to Not Take Adderall While Pregnant
- 3 Ways Bingeing on Adderall Can Lead to Adderall Overdose
- 3 Ways to Tell If You’re Living the Adderall Addiction Lifestyle
- 4 Reasons Why Adderall Abuse Is as Dangerous as Heroin Abuse
- 4 Roads to Adderall Overdose: Are You or Someone You Know on One of Them?
- 5 Most Common Adderall Addiction Signs
- 5 Signs of Adderall Abuse You Can’t Miss
- 5 Signs You Need Adderall Addiction Treatment
- Adderall Abuse & the Achievement Trap: 3 Ways an Adderall Habit Can Destroy Your Life
- Adderall Abuse Effects That Harm Your Well-Being
- Adderall Abuse Signs You Can’t Ignore
- Adderall Addiction Treatment: Is it Really Necessary?
- Adderall Detox Symptoms
- Adderall Detox: Find out what it’s Really Like
- Adderall Grows Up: What Happens in Adulthood to the Kids Who Were on Adderall?
- Adderall Withdrawal Side Effects
- Am I Battling Adderall Addiction? How to Tell
- Choosing Between Inpatient and Outpatient Adderall Addiction Treatment
- Choosing the Best Adderall Addiction Treatment
- Concerta vs Adderall: Is There Really Any Difference?
- Dextroamphetamine vs. Adderall: What’s the Difference?
- Do I Need Treatment for Adderall Addiction?
- Effects of Adderall Addiction Withdrawal
- Finding Adderall Addiction Help
- Finding Relief for Adderall Withdrawal Side Effects
- How Adderall Abuse Can Turn into Adderall Addiction during the Holidays
- How Adderall Abuse Treatment Works
- How Can I Cope with Adderall Withdrawal Side Effects?
- How is Adderall Addiction Treated?
- How Long Does Adderall Withdrawal Last?
- How to Stay Focused without Adderall
- Immediate Methods of Treatment for Adderall Addiction
- Is Adderall Addictive?
- Is It Safe to Use Adderall While Pregnant?
- Is Vyvanse Less Addictive Than Adderall?
- Modafinil vs Adderall: Which One Is Most Addictive?
- Modafinil vs. Adderall: Differences and Similarities That Shouldn’t Be Overlooked
- Recognizing the Need for Adderall Addiction Help
- Ritalin vs Adderall Withdrawal Effects: Which is Worse?
- Symptoms of Adderall Use
- Telltale Adderall Addiction Symptoms
- Telltale Symptoms of Adderall Abuse
- The Dangers of Adderall & Alcohol Abuse in College
- The Dark Side of Adderall
- Top 10 Signs of Adderall Addiction
- Top 5 Adderall Addiction Symptoms
- Vyvanse vs Adderall Addiction Risks: Is Vyvanse Really Safer Than Adderall?
- What are the Side Effects of Snorting Adderall
- What Happens When You Mix Adderall With Other Drugs?
- What is Adderall Detox Really Like?
- What to Look for in an Adderall Addiction Treatment Center
- What Types of Adderall Addiction Help Are Out There?
- Why Do People Abuse Their Adderall Pills?
- Why is Adderall Prescribed to Addicts in Recovery?
- Why You Should Think Twice about the Effects of Adderall Abuse
- Withdrawal and the Side Effects of Stopping Adderall
- Withdrawal Symptoms from Adderall
- Dextroamphetamine
- Consequences of Dextroamphetamine Abuse
- Dangers of Dexedrine Abuse
- Dangers of Dextroamphetamine Abuse
- Dextroamphetamine vs Adderall: What’s the Difference?
- How is Dextroamphetamine Addiction Treated?
- Recognizing the Signs of Dextroamphetamine Addiction
- Signs and Symptoms of Dextroamphetamine Abuse
- Signs of Dextroamphetamine Abuse You Shouldn’t Ignore & the Need for Treatment
- The Difference Between Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine
- Legal Amphetamines
- Levoamphetamine
- Lisdexamfetamine
- Methamphetamine
- 10 Ways Your Methamphetamine Addiction Affects Those Around You
- 5 Dangers of Meth Labs that You Should Know About
- 5 Things You Need to Know About Crystal Meth Addiction
- 5 Ways Methamphetamine Addiction Affects Your Physical Appearance
- 7 Signs Your Friend is Abusing Methamphetamine
- 7 Ways to Get a Meth Addict into Rehab
- Can I Become Addicted to My Methamphetamine Prescription?
- Choosing the Best Methamphetamine Treatment for You
- Effective Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment
- How Do I Recognize the Signs of Meth Withdrawal in a Loved One?
- How is Crystal Meth Addiction Treated?
- How Meth Labs Hurt Communities
- How the Principles of Addiction Apply to Methamphetamine
- Immediate Treatment for Methamphetamine Overdose
- Is Crystal Meth an Amphetamine Drug?
- Is Methamphetamine a Medicine?
- Is Methamphetamine a Safe Treatment?
- Is Methamphetamine More Dangerous than Other Amphetamines?
- Meth: Where Does it Come from and Why is it So Dangerous?
- Questions to Ask About Crystal Meth Addiction Treatment
- Rules You Never Break When Methamphetamine Addiction Happens in Your Family
- Treating Methamphetamine Addiction
- What Are the Effects of Speed on the Body and Why Is Residential Treatment Needed for Recovery?
- What Does Methamphetamine Addiction Really Feel Like?
- Natural Amphetamines
- Phenylpropanolamine
- Adderall
- Tyrosine influence on amphetamine self-administration and brain catecholamines in the rat
- Verified Treatment Providers
- Home
- Get Amphetamines Help Now
- Cocaine or Amphetamines: Which Recovery Program is More Difficult?
- What is Projection and How does it Affect Your Recovery Efforts?
- Avoiding Relapse: Tips For Taking Your Mind Off Cravings
- How Do I Tell My Parents I Need Amphetamine Addiction Help?
- Can Meditation Help Me in Amphetamine Addiction Treatment?
- Workplace Drug Addiction and Your Responsibility
- Is It Dangerous to Abuse Amphetamines and Alcohol Together?
- Does Social Media Glorify Drug Abuse?
- 5 Tips for Dealing with the Triggers that Make You want to Use
- Pharmacological Treatments for Amphetamine Withdrawal
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- Help for Methamphetamine Abuse among Firefighters
- Amphetamines
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- Dangers of Current Prescription Amphetamines
- Amphetamines vs Methamphetamines
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- Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Options
- 5 Common Amphetamine Addiction Symptoms
- What are Amphetamines?